No longer working full-time or raising a family?
Now's the time to make the most of life. u3a gives you the chance to develop your interests, make new friends and
enjoy yourself. Whoever you are, wherever you live and whatever your circumstances, we believe in life-long
learning and social companionship. Members are making the most of life by continuing their creative, educational or
social interests in a friendly and encouraging atmosphere. The choice is endless - and the decision about what to do is made by the members for the members.
Ethos and Principles
The u3a movement is non-religious and nonpolitical and has three main types ofprinciple:
- Lifelong Learning
- Self Help
- The Mutual Aid Principle
New Forest/Waterside u3a
We usually meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month, in the Main Hall of St. Andrews Centre, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu. (From September to July). Meetings commence at 2pm, with doors opening sometime after 1pm. Whilst members are arriving, a rolling overhead presentation will run giving information of the current and forthcoming speakers, other events which have been organised and general information. The chairman will then open the meeting with any current notices, followed by a presentation from a guest speaker. After the meeting there are tea and biscuits with the opportunity to sit and chat toother members, until we close about 4pm.
As well as talks, we have a number of interest groups.
Current groups include:
- Discussion
- Gardening
- Hand Embroidery
- History
- iPad for Beginners
- Luncheon Club
- Out and About
- Photography
- Scrabble
- Skittles
- Table Tennis
- Theatre Group
Joining Information
The Membership Secretary will require your name, address, telephone number, and email address, if you have one, and ask each member to sign their registration form. You will pay an annual subscription (by cheque or bank transfer) and a fee for each meeting you attend, (this includes the speakers fee and refreshments).
Your attendance is registered upon arrival, as this is used to check off names in the event of an evacuation due to a fire. It is also a requirement that members wear their membership card in the provided lanyard. Prospective members are welcome to come along to one or two meetings before deciding to join.
In the Rainbow Room are the leaders of the Out and About Group, the Skittles Group, the Luncheon Club, and the Theatre Group, where you can sign up to any of the events currently on offer. If you would like to join any of the groups you contact the leaders directly as they operate individually.
A monthly electronic Newsletter is sent to all members with email. You may also receive by post the quarterly u3a ‘Third Age Matters’ magazine from the National Office.
Current subscriptions are:
£20 annual membership until the end of August 2025.
£2 for each Tuesday talk